uActivate® Master Kit

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AES#: 07-80
Regular price $533.00

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Thank you for waiting for the new and improved uActivate® Circuit Test Assistant from AESwave. 


The uActivate® Master kit includes both the 4- and 5-pin cable sets, and the Universal Cable.


The 4- and 5- pin cables get you though most standard relay situation including ISO Mini, MICRO and ISO 280. To top it off, the 5-pin universal cable offers maximum connection versatility when dealing with  solid-state, latching and odd relays/circuits that have unique pin assignments.


The next step up to this kit is ordering custom cables to meet your exact relay circuit testing needs.



  • uActivate® unit
  • 4-pin cable ISO Micro
  • 4-pin cable ISO Mini
  • 4-pin cable Micro
  • 5-pin cable ISO Micro
  • 5-pin cable ISO Mini
  • 5-pin cable Micro 280
  • 5-pin cable Universal
  • Hard Plastic Case
  • 1-year Warranty